Fathers may have to take extra steps to assert custody rights

Fathers may have to take extra steps to assert custody rights

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2020 | Child Custody |

Even though the definition of family has gone through numerous changes in recent years, it still may not be as easy as it should be for fathers who want as much time with their children as possible. Asserting their custody rights may come with some added obstacles as courts here in Kentucky and elsewhere attempt to figure out what is in the best interests of the children involved. There are some things fathers can do to show the court they should receive the same consideration as the children’s mother does.

While the child custody proceedings are ongoing, it would be a good idea to make sure they meet their financial obligations to the children even without an order. Fathers can fix up a room in their homes for the children, so they have their own space while with their fathers. They should spend as much time with the children as is feasible considering work schedules, school schedules and the other parent.

Keep records of any monies paid as child support, along with any times when visitation is denied or delayed. If the relationship with the other parent warrants it, fathers could begin negotiations for a parenting plan that could ultimately be presented to the court for approval. The key is to take an honest look at what the future will look like after the separation or divorce that gave rise to the custody issues and determine what is realistic when it comes to visitation. It may be tempting to take on as much time as possible, but if it is not sustainable when an order is in place, the efforts will backfire.

It may help to sit down with an attorney experience helping Kentucky fathers assert their custody rights. The more fathers know about their parental rights, the better off they may be. It may also help in finding an alternative to going to court in order to reach a resolution to this issue. The more amicable the process is, the brighter the future may look for everyone.