Month: June 2016

Disputing a paternity ruling

Knowing the identity of a child’s father is important for several reasons. When fatherhood is in question in Kentucky, it’s crucial to have paternity identified for the potential father -- who may want visitation with his child -- and for the mother so she may be able...

Customize your child custody agreement

If you’re one of many Kentucky parents who are considering filing for or are currently navigating divorce, one of your top priorities is undoubtedly to make sure your children have all they need to adapt to a new lifestyle. Emotional support, as well as issues...

What does parental visitation entail?

Most parents who don’t live with their children want to continue to maintain relationships with them. When parents in Kentucky divorce, but don’t live with their kids, they can still stay connected and close to them through physical custody plans that pave the way for...

Should split child custody ever be an option?

Divorce can be emotionally devastating -- not just for the couple, but for their children as well. Kentucky parents who have made the very difficult decision that their marriage is unsalvageable need to sort out many issues, one of which includes child custody. In...

Divorce is challenging if ex has this condition

Whether you’ve been married less than five years or more than 20, you and your spouse have undoubtedly encountered challenges in your relationship at some point. Most spouses do. If you’re among those in Kentucky who have filed for divorce from a spouse who has...

Family law modifications: Changing a divorce decree

When a couple makes the decision to end their marriage, they have a number of issues to sort out. Both people are usually under the assumption that when a final divorce decree is issued, it’s the last time either will have to consider it, but for some former spouses...